Saturday, February 20, 2010

Exploring Generousity

As I was sitting outside in the sun this morning writing my "Morning Pages" I began thinking again about Motherhood.  I purposely wanted to share as I I came inside to write here instead.

Motherhood is about being generous - generously giving of our bodies, our energy, our time, our attention, our lives.  It is about developing another being's body, mind, and spirit....over the course of years.  It is about feeding another human being's heart, cells, neurology with Love.  It is about expanding ourselves beyond our preconceived perception of ourselves.  It is about providing nurturance, care, understanding and support.  And it is about creating and providing Safety and Home.

Some questions to think about...
  • What happens when a Mother has nothing inside to give?  No Energy, no Love, no Patience, no Time, no "Stuff".
  • Does the "stuff" to give come from somewhere else when it does not exist inside?
  • How does a Mother find these things and fill herself with them?
There is no prerequisite to having a baby that the Mother needs to be filled and whole.

And, there is no guarantee that the "stuff" that was inside when you had the baby will always be there.

So I will begin and end this blog simply with these questions to explore.  I am exploring them myself.  I am looking inside to see where the energy is.  I am wondering where my sense of self has gone and how to get her back.  I am experimenting with rituals, exercises, prayers, mantras and all sorts of modalities to feed the self.  I am attempting to accurately access what I am doing and not doing in my life that adds and takes away from the "stuff" that I so much want to give to my child.

I invite you to explore, too.  And tell us what you find.